uniquely familiar

Uniquely familiar.

It’s a term that each
MFA professor
says again and again.

And, so.
I go. On a quest.
To answer
What does this uniquely familiar animal
look like?

(First Guess: Rabbits)

(yeah. I’m known for quests.
a.k.a. rabbit trails.)

Warning: Links here
take you on those same trails.
(Enter At Your Own Risk.)

Some examples…
(uniquely familiar.)…

A twist on drawing.
(pun intended; using the beauty of line)

New genres, anyone?
(Shakespeare Manga? Really?)

Films that look familiar.

Books now art.
(combining mediums)

I’d better stop.
Because we could go on this
creativity walk
all day.
(not my intention)

Today’s take away
(for me, at least):

There’e enough unique
out there
to tap into.

Enough ways to
use story —

ways that are
strong enough
to meet readers’ expectations
and fresh enough
to capture an audience.

(“get to work”)

* Thup

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